Centerville Science Olympiad Organization
Points of Contact
Centerville High School: Carly Herner,
Magsig Middle School: CeAnn Chalker,
Tower Heights Middle School: Matthew Kincade,
Watts Middle School: Jenna Neal,
CSOO Co-directors: CeAnn Chalker & Carly Herner
Science Olympiad Resources
Science Olympiad is an academic competition designed to allow students in 6th - 9th grade (Division B) and 9th - 12th grade (Division C) an opportunity to compete across an array of 23 unique Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) events.
The 23 STEM events are rotated each year to incorporate five different areas of education:
Life, Personal, and Social Sciences
Earth and Space Sciences
Physical Science and Chemistry
Technology and Engineering
Inquiry and Nature of Science
Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing opportunity and diversity in science, creating a technologically literate workforce, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers. A goal of the competition is to give one's best effort while displaying honesty, integrity, and good sportsmanship. Centerville Science Olympiad operates with the permission of Centerville City Schools and each school's program falls under the rules and regulations of the National Science Olympiad organization and committees.
To discover how you or your student might get involved in Science Olympiad, please contact your school's team coach listed in the Points of Contact section.